You win the "best candy" award this year!

but most of the time I held my pumpkin all by myself!

Here Anna is really moving forward. Dad and Mom are cheering her on to reach her ladybug. Here is a link to a longer version (5 minutes instead of 3 ...for really big fans like grandmas!)
Today I took my first steps...while holding on to a friend...walking to Mommy reaching for her keys! It was so exciting!!! Tonight I was taking lots of steps again on Daddy's lap! Mom and Dad really need to get our home ready for me to wander around the place!
Today I really got going with the rolling - I rolled all the way over from my gym to my blanket - they are like 20 feet apart - all the way across the room kicking like crazy between rolls! - so I made some good distance! I was cracking up laughing after I got so far - probably because Mommy was being so funny being proud of me! It is fun to be able to go where I want!
Also, I tried some avocado - I didn't like it on it's own, but it was good with some oatmeal :)