
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Shopping on the run!

Hmmmm, I wonder which jeans will be best for Daddy!?

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Boston Common and the Aquarium!

Here are some pictures from our adventures from Cleveland to Boston!

Couldn't I just get away with anything with those sweet eyes?!

It was certainly a perfect day!
(even though I am making a funny face)

I made lots of fishy sounds today! So many bright colors!

These guys are funny!

There is a cute little girl over there!

Friday, May 25, 2007

More Swimming!

Today I had fun going in the pool from the side,
either from sitting or standing and sqautting way down
before going in and making a big splash!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I just love my pretty dresses from my cousin Violetta,
my awesome lion slippers from Dionisio,
and my big medal from Mommy's race!

Back from Cleveland for a few hours, and now it's off to Boston!
Mommy just had to get one of these photos at the Visitors Center!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Art Room and Rocky River Beach Fun!

What a great day! I got to meet lots of people at Gramma's school and painted with Great Aunt Maribeth in the art room! Mom, Gramma, Aunt Maribeth and I had such a nice afternoon at the park too! We had a picnic under a tree, met two huge dogs (tallest dogs ever!), shoveled lots of sand and shells, watched a guy juggling eight balls at once!, went on a swing, played with a ball, and met and played with another little girl my age. Then we met Nicholl's beautiful little baby girl, Ava, visited Uncle Nick at Quizno's, and then headed off to the airport to meet Dad and fly home!

This little log seat was just perfect for me!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Mommy's Marathon

Great job in the Cleveland Marathon Mommy, Aunt Sara, and Uncle Dan!

Then it was off to Geneva for some crazy play with my cousins!

A link to more photos is coming!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Fun in the sun!

Funny faces ~ it's my bunny noise ~ I do it all the time!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Cool in her Shades!

This morning we all went for a nice run. Well, I took a ride in my stroller while Mommy and Daddy got some exercise! My new words for today are "cookie", "cat" and "cool!" and my new animal sound is for snake: "Tssssss" (not a typo - it starts with a T). Mom and Dad say I am a little napping angel because I just go right down when it's time; I just love relaxing and snuggling with my froggy blanket. Here is a video from April ~ playing, making sounds, babbling, giggling, sliding, getting my hair cut, and just being cute! Enjoy! Click here for Adorable in April!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Play Date!

My friends, William, Connor, Aidan (smiley), and Spencer came over to play! Fun times!
Here are a few more photos.

Then I had fun in the sink because it was a super hot day!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sunny Day!

Today we got a hint of summer!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Feeding myself!

Tonight I fed myself 12 spoonfuls of cottage cheese! I was even licking the spoon clean!

Friday, May 04, 2007

New play spot!

I really shocked Mommy this time!
She still doesn't know how I got in here!
I went in head-first and then sat myself up!
Now I can reach everything!

These are always special posts - it's actually today!