Thursday, February 28, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Snowy Day
It was actually warm enough to play out in the snow today and boy did we! These are our first snowmen on Rutland Drive (snow-women actually, since they are Anna and me). Hopefully we'll get to built a Dad, and a new baby tomorrow! Anna gave me quite a scare today jumping out of my arms and falling headfirst in the YMCA locker room! After an unusual 10 minutes or so of screaming, thank goodness our little toughy was back to herself with the help of a lollipop! "Anna" snowman was built before the accident, and "Mommy" was built afterward. She sure is a brave little girl! Oh, one more thing. Anna ran to the potty tonight wanting to go poo-poo in the potty, and almost made it! I think she is going to make our dream of her being potty trained when Nutmeg is born come true!
Hope you have very happy birthdays, Jenny (30th!) and Aunt Sharon!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Monday Play Group
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
More dressing
We brought home a craft from the library, a bear to dress, and after we did it, Anna wanted to dress her Violetta doll with the bear's clothing! It was so cute! Anna was looking at my arm and saw a freckle, and said "ouchie?, no not ouchie, birth mark". So cute! Also Anna follows Mike around as he does this funny squat-walk and she does the same, and when he stops, she wants to do it some more.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Nutmeg's Ultrasound
I think it's a boy! Sorry it's been so long. Time has been flying by! Anna is growing fast, in fact after her nap this afternoon, she said that she grew in her sleep! She sings the ABC song and loves caring for her baby doll, Violetta, named after her cousin. She dresses her, changes her diaper, washes her, and feeds her milk, eggs, mango, and avocado. She's very smiley and ticklish, and really excited to be a big sister -- she was soooo excited to see new baby in the "ultrasound" today!
Here is a video of the ultrasound of Nutmeg! Pretty cool!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Last Day of Story Time
Anna was the only volunteer to help dress the bear on the board by the teacher, and she met a new friend afterward named Vivianna. She really loves her "parkalies!" ~ glitter sparkles on the lovely Valentines from her cousins. When the glitter gets on her hands, she holds them out to show everyone and her jaw drops in awe of the beautiful wonder that is covering her hands. Today Anna got a stamp of a zipper in keeping with the clothing theme of the day.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Driver's Test!
No, not the written one, well yes that, but also the one in the car! Boy was I nervous, but I happily passed with flying colors! The only points deducted were for "pausing to check progress" - that's a first for me!...passing so easily (took a few tries at 16), and pausing to check progress! Mike was SO PATIENT with me through all the trouble of getting through the day! He is amazing!!! Thank you Mike!
Something funny Anna says now: "Anna goin' boca" We think from her behavior when she says it, that she means "going crazy", so silly.
Monday, February 18, 2008
My 30th Birthday!
Maddie came over to play and she and Anna gave Maddie's puppies piggy-back rides. Also, Anna put her baby on the potty and was reading her the potty book! Anna and I went to lunch with Aunt Sara and had yummy eggplant Parmesan, raviolis, and spaghetti! For my birthday night, Mike and I watched Far and Away - I forgot that that movie has a funny side!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Yesterday Maddalena and Francesca came to visit, and when Anna finally learned their names she couldn't stop talking about them all weekend. They gave her this darling "sheepie" called Lambert - he's so cozy! Anna has been having all her animals go potty and changing their diapers. At bedtime she said "Anna bedtime" and "ssssssh, Anna sleepin' " and sometimes she says "close the door".
Friday, February 15, 2008
Mommy's 30th Birfdee Party!
I think everyone had a pretty good time! Thank you everybody, and especially Mike and our moms, for a great celebration! Special thanks also to Michael and Ashley for coming all the way from Philadelphia to be with us! So sweet! We love every visit!
The cake was so yummy. As tradition goes with my family (not big cake-lovers), cake for YOUR OWN birthday tastes different. We often decline cake at birthday parties, but for our own, we always enjoy a piece. Well, I sure took that to the extreme! Blame it on Nutmeg, or a proud thirty years, or just darn yummy cake, or Lent (Mike gave up sweets), but for whatever reason...I had a piece a day for the next week until it was ALL GONE! I still can't even believe it, but maybe I could be on a Costco bakery commercial!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy "Balen" Day!
Anna got pretty new "Balen" (Valentine) jammies from Gramma. She remembered whom each of her valentine cards were from and kept sorting through them like they were baseball cards. Cards sent to Anna (or to Mike or me) get a lot of use in this house! They are prised items with many details to explore. We were happy to pick Daddy up from the airport for a lovey-day celebration! We hope everyone's day was filled with love as was ours!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Snow-Fun with Uncle Billy
Mike was off to Milwaukee, and so Anna and I were off to Westlake. Anna got to spend some bonding time with Uncle Billy when I went to a book club meeting one night, and a volunteer meeting the next. Uncle Billy is a fun one in the snow! He was putting snow on Anna's lap, and she kept wanting more and more on her! We tried to build an Ohio-snowman, but it just would not work, just too cold I think. We also made some lovely snow-angels!
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Off to visit the Fiscus Family
When we said we were going to PA, Anna wanted to see Uncle Michael and Aunta Ashley, but when we got to the Fiscus' home, she had a ball with Emma, Anna, Ella, and Ty-Boy, as well as Willy and Tucker (their cat and dog)! She made her first snowman ever and we went sledding too! It was nice to have warm enough weather to be able to play outside. We had a wonderful visit, just too short :(
Friday, February 08, 2008
Pig tails :)
Monday, February 04, 2008
Nutmeg's Heartbeat!
Today Doctor Bose was so sweet to let Anna help her find the baby's heartbeat. She squirted the gel onto my tummy and actually held (along with the doctor) the heartbeat microphone! It was adorable! And Anna was so proud :)
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Tool Time
Anna got her own set of tools to help Daddy finish putting up the "new hinges". The tools sometimes serve as something a little more girlie, such as the drill bits that are apparently "lipstick".
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Groundhog Day