Sunday, September 28, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Stroller Science - Great White Oaks
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Could it be?...a real-time post!
I can't believe it myself! Here's the fun news: Carla rolled over today! We could have even had it on video since Anna and I watched the whole thing. However, my memory card wasn't in the camera because I am actually in the midst of catching up with our photo sharing! Anyway, about the rolling, it was so cute! We were cheering her on and after she did it Anna said 'she rolled all by herself' ~ it was so cute! I think the first time I saw Anna roll over wasn't her first time. I would often see her and think 'wasn't she just on her back' or the opposite, and then one day we actually witnessed it. Carla on the other hand doesn't have the freedom of lying around all the time like Anna did because I have to protect her from her big sister who likes to pull on Carla's extremities and touch her head all the time. Anyway, I'm sure it's all in love deep down. Go Carla! We're so proud of you :) She is also cooing and smiling so much, very cute, and I have a video of that, so maybe you'll even see it - before she is talking! Good Night!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Our girls went to their first Indians game!
What a perfect evening! First, we drove to the stadium from opposite ends of town, and coincidentally drove into the parking garage right behind each other (me and the girls in one car and Gramma, Pas, and Billy in another)! Thanks for making my daring trip downtown with the girls and without Mike much easier than expected. Secondly, it was a beautiful evening! We couldn't have asked for it to be a degree warmer or cooler. Thirdly, we found some awesome extra seats with a great view, rather than sitting way up high, and there were even enough seats for Nicholas and a bunch of his friends to sit right with us there! finally, we won! Lots of exciting home runs, Slider and some dancing hot dogs, and a tribute to our great pitcher (oops! don't know his name!) were also lots of fun!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Some September Shots
The last few photos need a little explaining. I dropped a watermelon! It was a big mess, but I am happy to report that I didn't freak out, other than laughing a lot as Carla AND I were down on the floor scrubbing. It was still a really yummy melon! The play food in the last shot was lined up by Anna by herself from darkest to lightest - isn't that cool?!
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Friday, September 05, 2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Creek Walk
We had so much fun on our first creek walk that we came back today. It was a much warmer and sunnier day and we had a ball. Anna shows me every time we come here that she wants to be a cross country runner - it's so cute how she just "goes'! There is one photo to remind you that Carla and I were there too!