Children's Museum, motherly Carla.

Ben welcoming the elephants BACK!

Grossner and Schaffer girls :)

Carla is part monkey I think :)

Taking the tram!

Carla and Andrea!

Nicholas' graduation from John Carroll!

This usher took Ben all the way up to the altar at the front of the huge gymnasium for Baccalaureate Mass -- He wanted to bring up "a gift"!

Tanya's BOOK! I was so excited to see it displayed in the front of the bookstore!

Pre-graduation party! The little ones playing some billiards!

Beautiful Lyla, what a doll!

So nice to see Uncle Michael and Aunt Ashley!

Buds :) Nick was thrilled to have Bob around for everything!!

Can you spot him in the middle!

This was one HOT May day!!

My sunshiney helper!!