
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Past few days: firefighter Carla, sand angles, little man love, Anna joining Carla for Gym and Swim class at the Y

Who knows if I'll ever post the video, so here is the recap: Anna and I were having lunch, I had put Ben down for a nap, he was WAILING for like 5 min (LONG time for him), Anna even said he was upset, so I went up, and he had backed himself into the end of his crib, was bright red and screaming, and I just started rubbing him and said "hi Ben", and he calmed instantly down, I don't know why I even had my camera, but since I did, I even took a video (for 17 sec, until the memory card was full), and the second it shut off, he just closed his eyes and fell asleep...the pic on the bottom of the collage is from right after I emptied the card onto the computer and ran up to take his pic. It made me cry that I calmed him down like that. It was so precious. This boy was dropped down straight from Heaven :)

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